Yovimpa Point or point of pines at right. Both of these points offer views of southern Utah. Most days Navajo Mountain and the Kaibab Plateau 90 miles away are visible. If we could we would show you but the camera battery is running out of life!
It hasn't warmed up yet but here we are at Agua Canyon and not a drop of water to be found, at least not up here but mother nature is at work in the canyon below. The Paria River and it's tributaries still carve plateau edges. Carrying dirt and gravel, rushing waters gully the edges of the Paunsaugunt Plateau on which lies the national park.
"Natural Bridge" was not formed by a stream like true natural bridges. More accurately an arch, it was carved by rain and frost erosion acting from the top of the rock. Our eyes are full, the camera battery is exhausted, we're cold so we're heading back to St George where it's warm and play golf.............................................and the journey continues
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