This is a bench lunch on the other side of the Missouri in the capital of S.D., Pierre (pronounced peer) in a county park. The biting flys were not anticipated, therefore we were the only ones there. We wanted to see the Capital City Queen, a paddle wheel tour boat but rushed off to escape the bites.
Off to the state capital building we went we were attracted to this stallion statue located next to a lake on the grounds and discovered it's meaning. In 1991 a plane crashed with the Governor and 3 members of the business community and 2 members of the legislature and they all perished. In their honor this "Fighting Stallions" was made. The horses are 10' tall and incredibly detailed. The capital was typically beautiful with marble pillars, floors and tributes to it's founders.
The Mitchel Corn Palace, known around the world as a folk-art wonder was established in 1892
by Louis Beckwith and L.O. Gale to attract immigrant farmers to settle in the area. It's corny motif changes every year, in early summer the process begins with removal of the old grasses and grains. Over the summer, 3,000 bushels of milo, rye, oat heads, and sour dock are tied in bundles and attached. The corn murals have to wait until late summer when the corn crop is ready. Over a half million ears of corn are sawed in half and nailed to the building following patterns created by a local artist. Inside the building is a stunning museum displaying the past years' motifs. Over the years it's moved just 3 times due to new building codes.........and the journey continues
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